Keeping Halloween Fun without the Sugar Overload
Every year, as Halloween approaches, you can almost feel the tangible excitement building amongst children. They eagerly anticipate dressing up in their favorite costumes, carving pumpkins, and of course, the mouth-watering array of sweets and treats that have become synonymous with this festive holiday. However, Halloween doesn't have to be an all-access pass to unregulated sugar consumption. It's entirely possible to preserve the joy and excitement of Halloween, without subjecting your children to an unhealthy deluge of sugar. 

The period around Halloween often coincides with the onset of cold and flu season, making it even more essential to maintain healthy eating habits and strong immune systems. Some might even call it the 'Sugar Season' due to the increased confectionery consumption. 

I recall my own bittersweet experiences with past Halloweens. The joy of watching my kids dressed up in their adorable costumes and interact with friends was often overshadowed by the daunting task of managing their candy intake. It felt unfair to impose restrictions when other parents seemed unperturbed by the excessive sugar consumption. However, the aftermath of a sugar-fueled day was far from desirable: lethargy, headaches, irritability, and the onset of cold symptoms were all too common. 

This stark contrast between the initial thrill of indulging in treats and the subsequent drop in energy and mood motivated me to seek healthier alternatives. This didn't mean cutting out all treats, but instead finding a balance that allowed a bit of indulgence without sacrificing health.
We still enjoyed our traditional caramel apple-making night and even allowed some sweets, like gluten-free brownies. But when it came to trick-or-treat goodies, we shook things up by introducing Halloween-themed goody bags. Each bag featured a single piece of Yum Earth candy, thereby reducing the sugar content. The rest of the bag was filled with a variety of non-edible treats such as snap bracelets, glow sticks, Halloween stickers, rubber eyes, and spider rings. 

By adopting this approach, we not only managed to reduce sugar consumption, but also ensured that the fun, excitement, and spirit of Halloween remained undiminished. It's proof that a balanced approach to Halloween can still result in a memorable and enjoyable celebration for your kids.

Also, have you read about the Teal Pumpkin project?

Basically, when you see a teal pumpkin on your neighbor's front porch it usually means that home is offering nonfood related treats for Halloween.  Let's make Teal Pumpkins the new norm and healthier kids and sugar crashes a thing of the past. 

Check out some of our favorite Halloween goody bag treats here: My Favorite Things (


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