5 Natural Cold Remedies to Boost Immunity Fast
When cold season strikes, it's not just the sniffles and sneezes that get us down, but the search for relief that doesn't rely heavily on over-the-counter medications. For us Momma Bears seeking a more natural path to comfort, there are proven methods to ease symptoms and shorten the duration of a cold. Here are my top 5 natural ways to find relief:
1. Stay Hydrated with Herbal Teas 🫖
Hydration is key to overcoming a cold, and herbal teas add a layer of symptom relief through their therapeutic properties. Ginger tea, for example, can soothe a sore throat and alleviate nausea, while peppermint tea may relieve congestion. Adding honey, a natural antibacterial, can also soothe irritated throats and coughs.
2. Use Essential Oils for Congestion 💧
Essential oils such as eucalyptus and tea tree oil are fantastic for clearing nasal congestion and promoting easier breathing. These oils can be used in a diffuser to spread their benefits through the air or applied topically when diluted with a carrier oil. For a deeply soothing experience, mix 1-2 cups of Epsom Salts with a few drops of these essential oils, then dissolve the mixture in your warm bath water. Not only will the steam help to decongest, but Epsom Salts will also aid in relaxing your muscles, enhancing the overall relief and recovery process. You can find my favorite essential oil bundle here. 
3. Increase Vitamin C Intake 🍊
Vitamin C plays a pivotal role in bolstering the immune system and aiding in the fight against colds. While consuming vitamin C through foods like oranges, strawberries, bell peppers, and kiwi is ideal, supplementation may sometimes be necessary to meet your body's needs, especially during a cold. It's crucial to choose a beneficial source of Vitamin C that supports your body effectively. I've discovered a Vitamin C source that is not only keto and vegetarian friendly but also incredibly cost-effective, making it accessible to everyone. Literally what we use here, if you want to  check it out. Ensuring you're getting enough Vitamin C, whether through diet or supplements, is essential for optimal immune support during cold seasons.
4. Garlic – The Natural Antiviral 🧄
Garlic has been used for centuries for its medicinal properties, including its ability to fight viruses. Incorporating garlic into meals can help boost your immune system. For a more potent dose, finely mince a garlic clove and mix it with honey to make it more palatable. Or try this recipe: 

Simple Relieving Elixir Recipe
  • 1 clove of garlic, minced
  • Juice of 1 fresh lemon
  • Local honey, to taste
  • 1 cup of warm water
  • Instructions:
  1. Prepare: Mince the garlic; let it sit briefly to activate its health-promoting properties.
  2. Mix: In a mug, combine garlic, lemon juice, and honey.
  3. Dilute: Add warm water, stir until honey dissolves.
  4. Serve: Enjoy warm to harness the benefits of each ingredient
5. Rest and Recovery
Never underestimate the power of rest sweet Momma. Your body needs energy to fight off the virus, and ample sleep provides the perfect environment for your immune system to do its job effectively. Prioritize restful sleep and consider short naps to give your body extra recovery time.
While a cold has to run its course, these natural remedies can significantly reduce symptoms and help you recover more quickly. Always listen to your body and consult with a healthcare provider if symptoms persist or worsen. Embracing these natural methods can not only provide relief but also support a healthier, more holistic approach to your well-being.


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