Introducing "Inspire"! 🌸💫My new favorite DIY perfume recipe. 

 It's a delightful blend of scents that will leave you feeling inspired and ready to take on the day. Initially, I was unsure about the musky notes, I typically like a bit of floral notes in with the muskier ones but once I tried it on, I instantly fell in love with its intriguing aroma. 💕✨

So, are you ready to try it out? Gather these 5 oils and let's get started! And don't forget to save this recipe on your phone because you'll definitely want to share it with others when they ask about your fabulous perfume! Literally the oils I used in this blend you can find here: DIY Perfume "Inspire" 

I followed the suggested recipe my friend shared with me and blended the different notes together. Although I'm not an expert perfumer, I can share a blog article below that provides more information on blending various fragrance notes. To enhance my blend, I added YL's V6 oil complex. I have also enjoyed using jojoba oil as another favorite carrier oil in my blends.

Let me know your thoughts once you've given it a try. Get ready for compliments galore! 🌺😊 

Want more perfume ideas?  Here is one using Patchouli

Here is a great explanation of how to choose the notes” of the essential oil blends. 


~ Christina


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