Navigating Holistic Choices: Embracing Motherhood Amidst Judgement
Being a mom is challenging. Every day, there are countless decisions to make, responsibilities to juggle, and efforts to ensure the well-being of loved ones. However, one challenge that adds difficulty is the judgment of others when it comes to our parenting choices.  In this blog, let's explore the reasons behind this judgment and offer tips and encouragement to all the amazing moms who may feel weighed down by criticism. Let's unpack this together.

First and foremost, dear Momma Bears, I want to share a comforting insight that has brought me peace during moments of relentless questioning. It's a simple yet transformative perspective - every person is a product of their own life experiences. Read that again. When others struggle to understand your choices remember that their lack of understanding may stem from similar life experiences with very different outcomes, making their unique life journey different from yours. Embracing this understanding can provide a breath of fresh air when faced with judgment. They truly don't know what they don't know. #choosepeace

It's important to recognize that concerns expressed by family and friends, even if they seem judgmental, usually stem from genuine care. As a trailblazer when your challenging the status quo, it's not easy to confront expectations placed on mothers. However, if we acknowledge that most peoples intentions are rooted in love, we can respond with understanding and compassion instead of hurt or pain. Their thirst for knowledge drives them to seek answers, while you possess the power to offer insights they may never have considered. These moments can spark transformative conversations for generations to come. So I want to encourage you to not shy away from them.

Another reality worth mentioning is that even if we respond empathetically and lovingly to others' questions, it doesn't always guarantee agreement. And that's perfectly fine. As a momma bear, you have the God-given right to protect your family in the way you know is best.  Let's bring back the ability to agree to disagree in society. Let's make it completely acceptable to have different perspectives and respect each other's choices. #youhaveachoice

When I discovered that the pharmaceutical meant to protect my own child had caused harm, I felt an overwhelming sense of guilt. It compelled me to question why this had happened and ignited a fierce determination to ensure that no other child would suffer the same fate. My maternal instincts kicked in, driving me to take action. I'll share that story another time, but always remember this: you are never alone. By diving into research, you can find the answers you seek. When something feels amiss, you have the right to evoke change, challenge the status quo, and assert yourself.  I will say it again....It is your God-given right to protect your child. 

Amidst the moments that often come with change, it's only natural to have doubts about whether others agree or question the validity of your choices. But always remember, you are the guiding light for your family. Embrace your role as a beacon of light for your child, and never let someone else's limited understanding dim your radiance, not even a little bit.

Until next time Momma Bear, may you discover boundless encouragement, unwavering bravery, and profound confidence in fully embracing the extraordinary identity of the mother that God created you to be.


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